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Technical Achievements Docking Activities in the Field of Energy and Transportation in Henan Province

On the morning of May 26, 2023, hosted by the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and organized by the Longzihu New Energy Laboratory and Zhengzhou Zhongke Emerging Industry Technology Research Institute, the Henan Energy and Transportation Technology Achievements and Demand Matching Activity was successfully held. The event was hosted by Li Tiecheng, Director of the New Energy and Transportation Technology Department of the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and attended by relevant comrades from the Technology Department of Science and Technology Enterprises and Modern Service Industry, the Laboratory and Platform Base Construction Department, and the Provincial Science Equipment Supply Center. Zhang Yanqiang, Executive Vice Director of Longzihu New Energy Laboratory and Vice President of Zhengzhou Zhongke Emerging Industry Technology Research Institute, attended and delivered a technical achievement report.

Event Site

Li Tiecheng introduced the construction of laboratories and pilot bases in Henan Province, stating that it is necessary to further open up channels for communication and exchange between provincial laboratories, pilot bases, universities, research institutes and other scientific research units and enterprises, assist enterprises in solving technical problems, accelerate the maturation and industrialization of innovative achievements in pilot tests, and strive to achieve common, shared, and win-win cooperation among technology supply, market demand, and government services, Promote the deep integration and energy accumulation leap of the innovation chain in the energy sector throughout the province. Li Dongyong gave a lecture on technology policies related to enterprises, while Liu Chaoke provided a detailed explanation of the policy on sharing scientific research instruments and the practical operation of technology innovation vouchers in Henan Province.

Opening Speech by Li Tiecheng

Zhang Yanqiang introduced the development of the Institute of Industry and Research from the perspectives of strategic positioning, scientific research layout, achievement transformation, innovation of scientific research system and mechanism, construction of collaborative innovation platforms, and incubation of technology enterprises. He stated that the Institute will adhere to the R&D concept and practical spirit of researching and developing batches, transforming batches, and demonstrating batches, and write scientific research achievements on the land of Central Plains. Subsequently, the strategic objectives, "136" scientific research layout, and new collaborative research models of Longzihu New Energy Laboratory were introduced. And key technological achievements such as ring tension high-energy aerospace fuel, lithium slurry new semi-solid batteries, full component recovery of retired power batteries, rare earth alloy hydrogen storage, silicon oxide based negative electrode materials, PEM electrolytic water hydrogen production, hydrogen electric coupling intelligent microgrid, PMMA liquid thermoplastic resin preparation, etc. were promoted.

Zhang Yanqiang Promotes Key Technical Achievements

During the meeting, the person in charge of the pilot bases for new energy batteries, electrical equipment, and low-carbon road construction and maintenance in Henan Province introduced the development of the base construction and released a list of base services. Representatives from universities such as Luoyang Institute of Technology, Henan University, and Henan Electric Power Research Institute conducted technical achievements promotion. Representatives of Henan Province Fanlaite New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. and Luoyang Foguang Equipment Co., Ltd. have released technical requirements.

In order to improve the accuracy of negotiation and docking, the event set up six sub venues in the technical fields of new energy vehicles (power batteries), hydrogen energy, energy storage, electrical equipment, renewable energy, and rail transit. Participating enterprises and experts had in-depth exchanges. After the negotiation, the attendees visited the exhibition hall and the power battery pilot platform.

Holding this event provides a platform for communication and exchange between scientific research institutions and enterprises, improves the efficiency of docking between supply and demand of technological achievements, and helps to innovate resources to support the high-quality development of the energy industry.