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Sun Shougang Investigated the Longzihu New Energy Laboratory

On February 28th, Sun Shougang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor of the Province, visited the Longzihu New Energy Laboratory to investigate the construction of the laboratory and scientific and technological innovation work. Academician Zhang Suojiang, Director of the Laboratory, Tan Zhen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Henan University, and relevant research backbone attended the meeting.

Sun Shougang successively inspected the operation of the laboratory's power battery pilot platform, optical grade polycarbonate experimental platform, and basic research and development laboratory. He pointed out that building the Longzihu New Energy Laboratory is an important measure to implement the national "dual carbon" strategy, implement the strategy of innovation driven, science and education promoting the province, and talent strengthening the province. It is in line with the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and government, and the direction of industrial transformation and development in our province, Relevant departments and localities should effectively strengthen service guarantees, support laboratories to fully play a leading and supporting role in high-quality development, and actively explore a new development model that combines industry, academia, research, and application.
At the subsequent symposium, Zhang Suojiang introduced the strategic goals, development positioning, and scientific research deployment of Longzihu New Energy Laboratory. Zhang Yanqiang and Xu Fei respectively reported on two projects: high-energy aerospace fuel preparation technology and application, and high-end optical carbon green synthesis technology.

Sun Shougang pointed out that as an important sector of industrial transformation and upgrading in Henan Province, Longzihu New Energy Laboratory plays a core leading and technological support role. The next step is to focus on breaking the bottleneck of scientific and technological achievements transformation, accelerating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into product trial production, enterprise incubation, and industrial landing, and constructing a new system and mechanism for scientific and technological achievements transformation. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the integration of policy systems, fully leverage the bridge and link role of science and technology innovation funds, guide social capital to participate in the construction of achievement transformation platforms such as pilot bases, focus on key links such as platform construction, capital investment, and factor guarantee, and accelerate the creation of a dual highland for scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation.