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Deputy Governor of Henan Province Song Zhenghui Investigated the Construction of Longzihu New Energy Laboratory

On October 11, Song Zhenghui, vice governor of Henan Province, visited Longzihu New Energy Laboratory to investigate laboratory construction and scientific and technological innovation. Laboratory director Zhang Suojiang Academician and related research backbone attended the meeting.

Song Zhenghui has investigated the power battery energy storage platform, high-energy fuel and low-carbon technology platform and laboratory results exhibition hall, and has an in-depth understanding of the progress of laboratory construction, scientific research progress and results transformation. He pointed out that Longzihu New Energy Laboratory was established just one year, the work has been promoted strongly, the development has been good, the research and development system is complete, the output is fruitful, the talent agglomeration effect is prominent, the scientific research and innovation is full of energy, and the formation of a very good innovation ecology.

At the subsequent symposium, Zhang Suojiang made a detailed introduction to the strategic positioning, construction plan and progress, highlight achievements, and future planning of Longzihu New Energy Laboratory.

Song Zhenghui stressed that Longzihu New Energy Laboratory, as an important part of Henan Province's science and technology basic capabilities, should strengthen target traction, face the national "dual carbon" strategy, focus on new energy and its intelligent transformation, carry out common scientific basic research and major transformative technology research, give full play to the traction and leading role, and create a number of scientific research results with market value; It is necessary to strengthen industrial docking, strengthen in-depth cooperation with leading enterprises and social capital, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with first-class innovation platforms at home and abroad, open up the transformation channel from strong scientific research to strong industry, build the top domestic and international new energy innovation highland, and provide strong support for Henan to build a modern energy system and achieve green reform.