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Henan University Carbon Neutrality Research Institute

The Carbon Neutrality Research Institute of Henan University was unveiled on February 10, 2023. The establishment of the Institute is a major measure to implement the carbon neutrality strategy of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the country, and Henan Province. It is a new starting point for Henan University's systematic layout in the field of carbon neutrality, and a concrete practice of deepening internal reforms to stimulate vitality and drawing new momentum from opening up and cooperation with the outside world. The research institute focuses on major national strategic needs and systematically deploys from the energy production end, consumption end, and carbon sink end, integrating the advantages of disciplines such as chemistry and chemical engineering, energy materials, and ecological environment at Henan University. It has built an open cooperation system including universities, research institutes, enterprises, etc., and strives to build itself into a carbon neutrality academic exchange platform and a carbon neutrality collaborative research and technology cooperation platform The platform for gathering first-class talents in carbon neutrality, carbon neutrality strategic consulting and high-end think tanks, and carbon neutrality science popularization and dissemination is committed to producing a batch of important theoretical achievements and significant technological achievements in the next five years, attracting and cultivating a group of leading talents in carbon neutrality, playing a demonstration and leading role in the field of carbon neutrality, and making important contributions to promoting the construction of Henan University's "Double First Class" to a new level.

Henan University Carbon Neutrality Research Institute Unveiled